Self-deluded fools believe that they can trample me because I let go quickest, grudgery befalls the road more traveled than my own. I was a joke to many in high school, yet where now are these fools? Doped up and with ongoingly-abused children that they cannot afford, in jail, or rotting somewhere being nobody of notoriety. Some escaped through the "lines that have always meant to be read between," but they'll just be whispers that melded equally into the mediocrity of such a demanding and taxing society. Where will I be? Somewhere with those few wise ones who imperviously escaped the dramas of the yesteryears. I'll be avoiding, with them, all of that monotonous, disparaging, "hustle and bustle" world and supplementing it for one of my own fabrication. I don't need in my life any of these deformed oddities that dare call themselves Human, a title once honorably earned long ago by true patrons of earth, taunting me, jeering at me, judging me, and placing such a significance over this precedence that they cling to so unwantonly. These stagnant, cesspools of human desperation dwell around and believe that their immorality is such splendor, true euphoria, each bite of food they ingest, each product they consume, and each insult they spray like wild fire; such laughter filled within, a slaughter of their own reverence. See, I don't even laugh, for I have compassion, and I seek to lend a hand to those who will take it without the pride-complex. I harbor nothing but compassion, genuine concern for. While I'm dancing to the tune of my own telling, many are groveling in despair to the melodious elegy of their own lives. I seek a better resort of life for this peculiar, yet profound, existence of mine. I coexist with these unfortunate ones, poor of the wealth of wisdom, and I take compassion, no sympathy, compassion, and in the midst of all this emotional, mental, societal, spiritual, physical, and conceptual warfare, I remain consistently hopeful for a brighter future, and each attack, each convoy, each soldier that projects fear-laden hatred-based sin upon my walls, I deflect them all with that little inner voice who tells me that "I can," and I know that I can, because I say so, and any cackling baboon out there who believes that they're going to bring me to my maker has an arrogance as a strong as the very seams of my own observant skill. I am silent and hopeful, yet quick like a snake when in danger. Laugh at will, folks, for it truly is a divine comedy act, yet I sit behind the curtains in essence, lingering there like a plotting playwright, and I scribe away my brilliance. We each have the power to write out our own destiny. They call it "free will." So dear folks, you are free to will and be willed by, and simply just, I will be free.
You all think that I'm defenseless, that I'm nice, that I'm ditsy, eccentric, and frilly because I'm open, happy, content, genuine, honest, and true? We all have a melting point, mine is set moderately high. Very infrequently do feeble-minded simpletons, like those who carry these prejudgments of me with them, get to see just how cruel, and heartless I can be. Unlike most of you twats, I don't carry the same baggage as you do, I let go the heavy BS in life, and unlike most of you lost souls, I know exactly who I am, and I'm doing far better on a spiritual level than you could ever hope to surmount to. Your insults don't affect me, nor does your mockery. So in the most elegant, layman way: Suck my ass.