Feb 20, 2010

Working to the groove

I'm trying really hard to get my Dell Mini netbook to function! It works well enough for me to type up the words to Zanguin, but it's performance is the issue. My buddy Glen says that I can turn it into a Hackintosh! Hopefully, he'll help with that because me + computer hacks = failure of epic proportions.

He and I are actually meeting in an hour! Hi, Glen! I'm going to read him what I have for the book so far while we're riding to Novi. He's actually buying a Mac Mini just so he can type up his book. What a peculiarly methodical man he is! I'd not take him for anything different!

We're both committed to writing a 60,000 to a 100,000 word scifi novel in the next 334 Earth days. This project is to be completed and published within these dates: February 18, 2010 to January 20, 2011. I'm very much enjoying this. It's good to know that someone I trust is also working toward the same goal as me. It truly gives me motivation and inspiration.

The Prologue to the book is going to be a rather detailed explanation of the stellar system as well as measurement, time, systems, and religious beliefs. The first unofficial chapter of the book is an expert from a book written by an Aniku man. Frame narration may be employed a lot within the book. I'm uncertain which way I want to go with this.

The best part of writing Zanguin is coming up with the plot. I'm very excited!

Miyäyu isto van,

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