If we cannot overcome that which we are capable of sometimes overcoming, be it the affections we feel for a lover, the happiness we get from food or activities we enjoy, or the peace we can feel when we are laying down for bed after a long day or the pleasure we get from sex or things we're passionate for, then why have the ability to be happy/loving only sometimes to begin with if we cannot overcome the Hell which we live predominately?
What a tease.. and for what purpose would we have such a tease? Our nature derives from a negative shift in the universe that has given up a helping of anger, negativity, destruction, bloodshed, violence, ignorance, and unappreciated pleasure. We are a world away from perfection, but that is the beauty beyond our world. Without pain, without sadness, without that scrape on the knee when you fell off of your bicycle.. how can we know how to appreciate the better feelings/things in life?
The human nature which we all know is a nature in which our culture has cultivated. The world we live begins to be so evil because we know that evil conquers light. Evil is powerful and we've seen what it can do; the Holocaust. Evil can give us happiness, evil can give us pleasure, evil can give us everything we want.. but for how long? How long do our pleasures last which were acquired from evil? People who draw their happiness/love through evil have experienced what I'm talking about. These people, like me at points in my life, experience that our gained pleasures through evil are short-lived; temporary.
Evil is as equal as love. Don't let yourself be fooled by outside sources who advocate that love conquers evil, because whoever is spouting to you that lie, although very beautiful and encouragingly wonderful to believe, it's not true. Black is as equal as white, if you get beyond the frequency and wave length quantities of their respective places on the electromagnetic spectrum, but it's true. Light is as equal as dark. Electrons are as equal as protons. Positive is as equal as negative. Love is as equal as hate... and Evil is as equal as good.
Basic Algebra (equal and opposite numbers cancel out) and basic theory of physics, Sir Isaac Newton's Third Law of Motion: everything has an equal and opposite reaction. When we give out love, expect an equal and opposite amount of it back. When we give out hate, expect and equal and opposite amount back. When we hate ourselves and have insecurities, the universe will give that back to us.. and you're free to interpret what I mean by "the universe." When we accept ourselves, our life predicaments, our born-illnesses, our insecurities and flaws, the universe will give us love back. The universe will give us what we send out.
This is called the "Law of Attraction" among many New Age experts.
Evil/Hate is a power source, just like good/love is. We know that we can gain happiness from both.. but why? We know that evil can give us happiness, and even in the most psychotically insane, a sense of pure euphoria. We know this, but love can do the same thing. Love can give us euphoria, love can give us happiness, love can make us smile and feel happy as well. The acquisition of happiness through evil, as we all have experiences, is only temporary. But the acquisition of happiness through love, however, we all must agree that it's not as temporary as evil.
The electromagnetic spectrum is a spectrum that has all the types of radiation on it. Radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light (that would be the colors we perceive with our eyesight), ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma rays. We know that from the far left to the far right, frequency (or energy) of a given wave increases, and respectively, wavelength decreases. And we know that to the far left from right, frequency decreases and wavelength increases. What does all that mean though?
Let's say Evil/Hate was at the far left, Good/Love was at the far right, and emotions like sadness, anger, happiness, amory, and laughter were in the middle. We know that happiness from evil is temporary and we know that happiness from love lasts a lot longer. In this emotional spectrum, let's say the amount of time our happiness/contentness lasts for depends on going from left to right and right to left. We have to admit that from left (evil) to right (good), our time to have happiness increases, and if we go from right to left, the time to have happiness decreases. The frequency is played with, but in this new spectrum, what about wavelength? Just like the electromagnetic spectrum, as you move through left and right, happiness increases and decreases. But what decreases as our amount of time to have happiness increases? The difficulty. As we travel left to right, happiness stays longer, but it's harder to obtain. The easy availability to gain happiness through love is harder.
The Emotional Spectrum of The Length of Happiness versus Difficulty in Obtaining it.
W = Wavelength (How easy it is to acquire Happiness)
F = Frequency (How long Happiness will last for)
[] = The period of time it takes a person to gain happiness.
Over a period of 6 days, the graph shows how long one's happiness lasts for and how difficult it is to obtain it.
The graph shows that over a period of 6 days, one who gained happiness from Evil (stealing money) would only be content for 4 days after the initial 6 days it took to obtain the happiness, and obtaining that happiness was relatively easy. One who gained happiness from Love (earning money) would be content for 12 days, and obtaining that happiness would be relatively hard.
In conclusion to the emotional spectrum presented here:
We look to acquiring happiness through evil because it's easier, but it's only temporary. So we have to do more evil things to have more happiness. Love can give us an extended amount of time to have our happiness, but it's harder. So on one side, we have this temporary, easily-acquired joy, and on the other, we have this lasting, difficultly-acquired joy.
Transcendence of our people will not be easy.. and it's not supposed to. The spectrum of the amount of time that happiness lasts versus its difficulty in acquiring happiness shows that it will be hard... because it's supposed to. Think about that hard day of work, or an long arduous walk home from somewhere, or sowing an entire field of wheat on a hot sunny day, or dealing with a stressful environment for a long period of time. In the case with a hard day of sowing wheat on a hot sunny day (and the other cases can apply too), when the farmer is finally done, he feels accomplished and happy that his wheat is all sowed. Also, after all of that hard work, food, a cold beverage, and relaxation time will be very soothing. It's the "no pain, no gain" mentality.
There is a brilliantly easy logic behind the sense of accomplishment and great pleasure from the activities that we do afterward to reward ourself: the emotional spectrum that I proposed. Love = hard work, and lasting. Hate = easy work, and temporary.
When I talk about love being the only medium which ascends us to higher thinking, I'm talking about our ability to be hard-working toward the happiness that comes from love. I'm talking about that level of pleasure/accomplishment that comes from love. Higher thinking can only be obtained through love because the higher thinking that I speak of, which does not equate to intelligence, is a sense of knowledge beyond our physical world. It's spiritually-acquired enlightenment. It's a free-floating intuitive energy andn ot many people know it's out there.
When we look in the mirror each day, or some days for those who are in fright by their face, we have to know that none of that matters; it's not real. We have to assume that our body is only a container, that our face is only a container, and that none of those worldly concerns of our image will matter when we die. Great people in history were fat, hideous, ugly, beautiful, skinny, antisocial, and insane. But do we look away from their plethora of worth and knowledge because of it? Do we shun their knowledge and great advancement because they were fat? I wouldn't discredit Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" just because I thought his hair was nappy.
When we die, it's not going to matter what we looked like to the next people who discover our story, our tale, our knowledge because we're gone and that body that we may have spended our entire lives hating, was a container for brilliance. Some believe that the ugly/different are created to be exemplary. They are beings who exist (minus the God aspect or not) and were meant to be examples to show people how to accept new things. Look at homosexuals. They were persecuted for so long and made to be the example of what not to be. It was even a diagnosable mental illness at one point in the late 20th century. Homosexuals, after a long trial of ignorance, hatred, bullying, and murder, have helped people open up to be able to understand new things. Homosexuals are estimated to account for 1% of the US population, which is roughly 31,060 people. Times are changing and people are changing. Ascension doesn't have to be an illusive fantasy.
If we are unable to overcome the nature in which we have indulged for a great length of time, then why would we have the ability to be able to indulge in activities that make us happy through love? It's a tease. We are able to overcome, but as to people doing so, that is something that cannot be controlled. But don't deny that we are purely and objectively unable to overcome, because we are. Not overcoming our evil human nature is a matter of willpower. Will we take a happiness that is quick and easy or will we take a happiness that is difficult to obtain? Most would choose the easier route.
Happiness is something we all want whether we are pure evil or pure love. Even villains are happy when they're doing evil things.
Ultimately, we are beings of love, and we can only gain true, lasting happiness from that energy source. When we die, we will leave behind this body and we won't care what we looked like. The future generations will only care what you left behind beyond your container. When I die, people will see that I did this, I did that, I wanted to do this and that--if at all I do accomplish anything.
Transcendence is possible and it will be possible for many who know. It's like an esoteric club only for those who know about the location, and it shouldn't be that way anymore. Many are ignorant and mostly, it's not their fault due to cultural influences. It's no one person's fault to be ignorant because they were raised that way. All children are born with this "tabula rasa," which means without built-in mental content. We all have tabula rasa at birth, and as we traverse through life, we gain knowledge based on who has given it to us or what we have theorized/learned for ourselves.
We cannot forget about "tabula rasa" or we will lose ourselves. Higher thinking is the process of Gnosis forming, being utilized, and transforming. Gnosis is a spiritually-acquired knowledge which comes from higher thinking--this stuff is the ecstasy for philosophers. It's unadulterated enlightenment, and to those who have it know that it's actually tangible beyond this world. It can felt, touched, stretched, and molded. When I talk about our body being a container, I'm trying to make people become more apparent about what's being contained. Inside, there is a person who is being contained and that person is very important. That person can feel, do work in this world, affect people in this world, alter their lifestyle in this world, and even alter the universe through their own thoughts.
When we start forgetting about tabula rasa, we forget about innocence, and when we do forget about innocence, we are automatically closing off our minds to all else. We are subjecting our minds to stray from higher thinking because we have pinched off the part of our hearts where we are open to accept Gnosis. Children are born with only the experiences of hearing sounds from the mother's internal biorhythms, her voice, and the outside world. These innocent beings are born with only those experiences with sound and experiences with motion. They don't yet grasp what the sounds mean or what the experiences of motion mean, but they do know they exist, and fetal babies do dream about these alien experiences.
If we cannot transcend, then we are lost as a people. If we cannot open up to the glory of gnosis, this spiritually-potent enlightenment and knowledge, then we are lost and no one knows what true euphoria is. There is no wisdom without transcension. We have to know that evil and good are equal. We have to know that love does not conquer all, because evil can conquer love and evil has. We have to know that what we send out will initially start off as being an equal response but can change due to other forces working in the universe. We have to know that if we want something, we have to work just as hard to get it so it can come back richer and fuller. We have to know that we are born innocent because of the theory of Tabula Rasa, and we have to accept that we are raised to be ignorant.
We have to accept that we are raised to be ignorant, but we can change. Some scientists say that after our mid-twenties in age, the part of our brain that accounts for our openness and acceptance of new rationale and logic (and on my side with gnosis in mind) begins to pinch off. We no longer start taking in new ideas, new experiences, and we start being comfortable with our life and who are, even if our life is miserable or happy. At that point in our life, we start convincing ourselves that we've experienced enough of life and at this point, we will experience the same old things as before. At this point in our life, we convince ourselves that nothing changes.
It's ignorance and it can be blissful. But it's pardoned ignorance no matter how violent or irrational. With tabula rasa in mind, I advocate that it's not any one person's fault for their ignorance. And as someone with gnosis, it is my duty to show people the side of true enlightenment and spirituality if they want it. We all have the right to live the way we see fit so long as we don't invade the pursuit of happiness of others or their lifestyle. But don't feed off of evil's power and then complain about how horrible the world is, because in all reality, the world is so horrible because we're letting evil manifest on our planet. And for what price? The sacrifice of a good world with a perfect renewable ecosystem just for temporary bliss?
But although the ignorant have the right to be ignorant, I have to say that it's time to open up and enjoy the new experiences. These experiences will hurt, they'll embarrass you, you'll feel silly, you'll experience the same emotions but in a new way, and you'll feel a bit stupid, but it's amazing stuff. Gnosis is some amazing stuff, and that's what life should be all about. You can lead any lifestyle you choose to please you and still have spiritual enlightenment. You can be Athiest and still have spiritual enlightenment. You don't need the presence of a god to be enlightened nor do you need the presence of a god or infinite creator to be spiritual.
Atheist is a term that comes from Greek; a + theos, "a" meaning 'not or without' and "theos" meaning 'god'. An atheos person, or a godless person, does not need a god to be enlightened or to even have access to higher thinking. There can be a vast number of forces which we experience every single day beyond our senses and/or our instruments of perception such as cameras or wave-detecting machines. We don't know everything, but I think we as a race have the rationale that we have enough and we don't need anymore. So why try to look for anything more? Why care about metaphysics? Why care about ascension to a new plane and try to help those who don't know to know?
A pure transcendence is only done through the practice of patient teaching and advocacy. The ignorant will stay as such if the aware don't teach them. If the aware or the enlightened don't teach the ignorant, the ignorant will stay ignorant. A baby cannot learn a language that it hasn't been exposed to. Transcendence to the infinite consciousness is possible through higher thinking, and that high thinking is achievable to obtain through the many practices of this world which allows one to be spiritually enlightened. That practice is love and gaining knowledge. That can further be broken down into practices like meditation, yoga, reading a book, going to new age lectures, reading conspiracy theories, delving into a great sci-fi that introduces new ideas of civilizations on other planets, learning about ancient civilizations and the black pages of history.
Love can only be the medium which ascends us to a higher thinking. It's the only way to get past our ignorance so that we can have a better future for our children and ourselves. It's the only way us humans can do away with the toils of the past. No longer should we have to get that quick happiness through evil methods, such as drugs, smoking, lying, being superficial, being insecure, hating, robbing to get money, defalcating, purging, bullying to make ourselves feel better, anonymous sex, violence, shooting people, revenge, etc. We shouldn't have to acquire happiness this way anymore because it's ruining our world. We're allowing evil on our planet to get happiness, yes, but that happiness was created with the background knowledge that it came from evil.
Who would be content knowing that they gained a sense of greatness from a vastly negative source?
To me, that defeats the purpose and also makes the greatness largely tainted and evil. When you make something from wood and paint it, it's still wood. You haven't changed anything but its appearance. When someone steals money to buy themselves and a friend something nice, they're happy, but that happiness is now tainted with the background knowledge that they committed a crime for it. It's easier to steal someone's money than it is to work for it. Many will strongly say that food tastes best when free or stolen. I think that is because the person didn't have the worry about how they were going to get the money to pay for it, they didn't have to worry about losing anything and having to work harder to get back that spendt money and some, and they didn't have to do anything extraordinary. It's like a gift, and we all love gifts.
When we allow ourselves to indulge in the manifestation of our desires, we have to think about what source we're going to use--or even what material a contractor is going to use to build an edifice. Using wood for a 12-story edifice which will be home to many computers, file cabinets, desks, chairs, toilets, elevators, and other office-like furniture is completely inappropriate. A contractor would go the "concrete" and "steel" way before going the "wood" way.
When people use evil as a means to manifest their bliss, they have a superficial happiness and it is superficial because it's temporary.
People who hold themselves to be a part of the esoteric club of gnosis, enlightenment, and awareness know that in order to transcend to higher thinking, you have to sacrifice some things. You have to give up the lethargy of trying to manifest your desires through a quick and easy fix. Many who use negativity as a source to manifest their desires so that they can achieve happiness are the ones complaining about how miserable and corrupt the world is. Little do they know that if they stopped allowing negativity onto the planet, there wouldn't be any.
Law of Attraction: we are given what we have given.
A major principle of the process of transcending to the infinite consciousness is breaking beyond our material world; earth, space, the universe, etc. We have to realize that our body is just a container and that this physical world is only a place where our consciousness grows, changes, transforms, and is molded. There has to be a plane where all of this can take place. That plane is the universe and it just so happens that Earth is the place where we, humankind, happen to be. We no longer can afford to rely on an omnipotent god figure or force or creator to help reverse the trends we have created for our planet. Deforestation, the exhaustion of oil deposits, and CO2 emissions are a trend that we created.
Human nature is a product of nurture (remember tabula rasa), and in order to change that which we have created, we have to convert our thinking to a higher one. The aware have to teach the ignorant with patience rather than scoff at them and indulge themselves in their esoteric club of sorts. The idea of a lofty society that only privileged members can take membersip of can no longer be. We all have to work together to be the messiah that won't save this world until we step up to the plate. Both sides, and even the content middles, complain about how horrible the world is and how badly life isn't fair.
Life isn't fair because we don't say it can be fair. Life can be fair if we wanted it to be. Higher Thinking allows our world to be what we want it to be. We perceive what we want to perceive. I don't hear the person yelling at me if I don't want to hear them. Higher Thinking allows us to tap into the infinite consciousness and pull out what we need. It's like a vast plane of knowledge waiting to be radioed to our minds. And when we think, we're directly sending new thoughts to that consciousness. It's time that we all start engaging gnosis to be a main slice of our life. It's time that we humankind evolve mentally and emotionally.
We have the technology available to help all homo sapiens to transcend. What we don't have, however, are people who are willing enough to mass-create the tools needed to transcend and then distribute them. What I am meaning is that we have the knowledge to change this world, but we don't have enough people who are already enlightened who are humble enough, who are kind enough, who are ready enough to help everyone reach the level that these enlightened ones are at. Our complaints about our own world will go away when we all start agreeing on the right side of my proposed emotional spectrum of the length period of happiness versus the difficulty of obtaining it.
We all have a role and we must either find it or have someone insitll it inside of us. This is where you, the reader, will come in. Find out if you are a leader in this New Age, or a follower. Both are respected roles, so don't believe that a leader is grand and above all and a follower is pathetic and beneath all. Duality is the theory that if there is one, there must be an opposite other. Duality must be remembered so that we recall that Evil is equal to Good and that a leader is equal to a follower. A king is nothing without his followers because there has to be something or someone to rule in order to be a king. And a follower is nothing without a king because a follower needs something or someone to follow in order to be a follower. Like magnetism, one is north and one is south. They are both equal and they both attract each other.
We have to know that love is the tool needed to ascend to higher thinking so that we can be a part of that amazing hoopla called the "infinite consciousness."
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