Feb 28, 2010

Recess time !

Taking a break tonight. I'm going to catch up on some homework and some friends. :)

Miyäyu isto van,

Feb 27, 2010

I've felt like poo all day.

Going to re-read what I wrote last night, possibly edit, possibly add, and then finish the chapter.

Miyäyu isto van,

Feb 26, 2010

Delete, delete!

I should make a habit of posting at a decent time. :)

I deleted everything I wrote last night and started fresh this night. I realized that one of the main characters wasn't a man, but a woman! So mayhaps that's why I had such a strong writer's block. The words now flow right off of my min. Kovias is coming to life and the other leaders of the great continents are too.

Somehow, I came up with an acceptable way of integrating Aniku with English dialogue. I'm excited because most of my concern was just that. Since it's no longer an issue, I can excel toward the word count. I've got so much inspiration running through me right now that I cannot even find words for this blog. My mind is trying to save them for the book! Hehe.

Not going to post a long one! I've got Wonka candy, Swedish Fish, and Starbursts to last me the night! Thank the goddess! :)

Miyäyu isto van,

Feb 25, 2010


For about an hour now, I've been writing away and editing some things previously written. I've decided to skip all the pondering and go right into the wandering. Stop thinking and start doing! I'm very content with the first 7 pages of the book already. I truly believe that it's going to be a great tale.

Though last night while I was "wandering," I ran into yet another log. It hit me like an arrow through an apple. I realized that I didn't have any kind of idea of what sorts of animals or creatures would live in my world. In my head, those things never really came to mind when pondering about Zanguin and its world.

I guess I always figured that it was full of vegetation, small animals, and a large ecosystem of aquatic life. That wouldn't be much of an endeavor to explain as creating an entire array of land animals would be. Factoring in those kinds of things would mean that I have to factor in meat, food, pets--tons of stuff that I don't want to spend time on.

I've laboriously worked on measurement systems, art, and tons if political concepts. I don't want to spend the majority of my 229 days left drawing random animals that live on the planet. I was content with my previous vision of Zanguin: small land animals, insects, aquatic life, and tons of vegetation.

Zanguin has flowers, trees, plants, herbs, vegetables, fruits, and weeds. I've never been good with drawing animals anyway. If I'm going to spend my time left drawing any new creatures, it'd be tons of plants that are voraciously hungry for other plants. It'd be a huge world of life/death on a macro level, but with plants in mind.

At any rate, I'm going to spend the lot of my night typing away and chatting to friends. I should get back to writing! I find that the Internet strongly deters me away from my want to write. :x Who knew something so beautiful could be so ugly sometimes. :P

Miyäyu isto van,


Feb 24, 2010

Maybe I'm too paranoid or just too picky !

I ended up taking a nap when I got home. This week has been such a tiring week. I don't know what's going on with me. Usually I'm chipper and happy in the morning, but for some reason, I'm not. I find myself thinking about my book all day and when I get home, I usually dillydally on the Internet or I take a nap.

But the projection of my mind shall go on! All the gears are oiled and ready to last through the tests of time! These next several months are crucial for me. I have to focus and keep my mind stable while jugging school, my book, friends, my family, and other minor things.

I just... don't know about this week. I know for a fact that I'm going to write more of Zanguin around ten o'clock. I have a few thousand words already written (from an attempt I made a few months ago), so I'm maybe going to edit them, add to them, and then use them in the starting chapters.

What I really need to decide for myself is if I provide far too much information in the prologue and in the first chapter of the story. I really want the story to come to life through exposition. I find that most engaging when I am reading, so naturally, I'd like to write like that. But as a novice author, I'm not even certain if giving away too much in the beginning is a good thing or not. I guess I'll learn when I publish the book! :)

What hinders my decision making skills when I ponder this is the notation that I want my readers to be able to understand what 7.9 yér is or how big or how small the moon is in conjunction with the planet. I find it necessary to know that Zanguin is 7.9 yér, which happens to be 30,512 ft. I personally think it would engage my audience in a fixed state because as they open the first pages--BOOM--there it is; the conversions and comparisons of Earth to Zanguin.

I, as a novice author, don't know if this is effective or not.. or if that will even deter my readers from the book. Who wants to start off a book with several astronomical comparisons? I'm trying to enthrall and entice my readers, not bore them with numbers they do not care to mindfully absorb. But, I sort of sway toward the side that accepts my beginning pages because the book in question is going to be a science fiction novel. Avid Scifi readers would probably, possibly, expect that or not even be shocked at all because I guess those sorts of things could be found in a science fiction novel.

Maybe I am showing off too much or I'm trying to impress my audience because it is my first book. But what's wrong with that? I've created this world in my mind and I'm still adding onto it. What would be wrong about trying to impress and entice my readers in the first few pages. I was sedulous with this world of mine and I'd like to display my hard work in the best way possible. It does start with comparisons in the prologue and then it shoots right off onto the politics of Zanguin.

Why would that be an issue? Mayhaps I'm just thinking more complex than I need to.

I need an editor. I reread everything I write and edit to my satisfaction. It's almost like I find a new flaw or error every time I sit down to reread what has been written. I'm sure that's a good trait to have when being an author; this being one's own worst critic !

If you're in the same writing predicament as I am, here's a mantra I wrote if you need some motivation or inspiration to get out of a rut! :)

Seek not the count you want to write.
Seek the ones that come to light.
Share with letters your beautiful heart.
Mark the paper with words of art.

Miyäyu isto van,

Feb 23, 2010

Break tonight

No major blog post tonight. I'm taking this night as a breather from all the continuous/daily work I've been doing to Zanguin. Happy Tuesday, everyone! :) Skills USA is Thursday; I'm competing with some students from my electronics class.

We go to a community college and battle our smarts out against some other nerdz. :D
I don't want to go.

Miyäyu isto van,

Feb 22, 2010

The storyboard is finally done !

When I woke up this morning, I was dreading to go to school and I just wanted to go back to sleep. Thankfully, the Weather Gods listened to my inner prayers and blessed me with the lofty gift of a snow day--so I fell back asleep. After reawakening, I went straight for my phone, did some texting, took a shower, and then went to working on the various systems of Zanguin. I ended up finally finishing the prologue. I wasn't really pleased with it from the start.

It didn't feel adequate to me becuase I didn't have the measurement systems finished. I figured out a way to fix my little map problem. I decided I'd have it be known that the circumference is 7.9 yér at the equator. Then a person would know by reading it that the map would get smaller towards the top and bottom. Problemo fixed!

For the past 2-4 hours, I've been working on the satellite view of Zanguin and the solar system view. They turned out spectacular, in my opinion. I used Photoshop 7.0 to create the satellite view and a combination of Gimp 2.6.8 and PS to create the solar system view. Check it out!

I'm very pleased with how they turned out! :) The only map that is making the cut (hopefully) is the physical-political view. I really like that one and I feel that it's vital for my readers to be able to see what Zanguin looks like. Don't you? ;)

Here's a sneak-peak of the measurement systems:

Radius = 12,578.910 me
Diameter = 25157.823 me
Circumference = 7.9 yér
Volume = 124.880 nul

1 mm = 16.085 po
1 cm = 1.608 po
1 in = 4.085 po
1 ft = 4.903 hö
1 yd = 14.709 hö
1 mi = 2.589 me
1 km = 1.6 m

1°F =0.471 ik

Miyäyu isto van,

Feb 21, 2010

I'm not really sure

Well, the weekend was great. I stayed the night with Glen because we were up late into the evening working on our books and setting up his new Mac Mini. :) I've been doing things around the house as well as getting stuff organized; I've yet to do laundry. Glen and I went to breakfast at an authentic Grecian cafe (the waitress was a bitch, but she was hot!) and brainstormed ideas for his book.

School's starting tomorrow, so I'm not happy about that. Generally, school is enticing for me, but, I'd rather be writing Zanguin! :) It's my newest escape. I went to Borders today and bought two books: a book on the universe with many stunning photographs of nebulae & galaxies and a book from Smithsonian on Earth. :) I'm going to use the books to do some research as well as brainstorm ideas for the terrain of Zanguin.

Thanks to Glen, I now have to either redo my map or get rid of the scale on it. I didn't really think about how when a globe is flattened to create a 2-D map, the longitude lines are stretched out, therefore making the terrain bigger. That's why Greenland is so huge when it's really only a tiny island.

Hopefully I get some more great ideas about Anikuian politics. The other day, I was meditating in the shower and a few ideas for the culture popped into my head. I really see this book heading all sorts of great directions.

Miyäyu isto van,

Feb 20, 2010

Working to the groove

I'm trying really hard to get my Dell Mini netbook to function! It works well enough for me to type up the words to Zanguin, but it's performance is the issue. My buddy Glen says that I can turn it into a Hackintosh! Hopefully, he'll help with that because me + computer hacks = failure of epic proportions.

He and I are actually meeting in an hour! Hi, Glen! I'm going to read him what I have for the book so far while we're riding to Novi. He's actually buying a Mac Mini just so he can type up his book. What a peculiarly methodical man he is! I'd not take him for anything different!

We're both committed to writing a 60,000 to a 100,000 word scifi novel in the next 334 Earth days. This project is to be completed and published within these dates: February 18, 2010 to January 20, 2011. I'm very much enjoying this. It's good to know that someone I trust is also working toward the same goal as me. It truly gives me motivation and inspiration.

The Prologue to the book is going to be a rather detailed explanation of the stellar system as well as measurement, time, systems, and religious beliefs. The first unofficial chapter of the book is an expert from a book written by an Aniku man. Frame narration may be employed a lot within the book. I'm uncertain which way I want to go with this.

The best part of writing Zanguin is coming up with the plot. I'm very excited!

Miyäyu isto van,

Feb 19, 2010


A nice hello from me is doable for now. I've been working on the map all day as well as writing some of the book and correcting issues with the plot. Let me say a little about myself and why I've started this project.

For me, language has always been my favorite. I started teaching myself Japanese in 7th grade. I was growing as an intermediate Japanese speaker until I started creating the language of Anikuwynér (Ah-Knee-Coo-Wee-Yin-Nair). Once I did, I started losing most of my Japanese and started memorizing Aniku.

I think that I--and this isn't approximate--revised the syntax completely about three times. I'm very happy with the language now, which is why I'm starting the book. I told myself for the past 4 years that I wouldn't begin typing the words unless the language was complete.

Ha intétu ijan kuwynér te nemyat. Sani za maetan ke te nön kii Ha chijunute ovuin xüwe a.
" I am happy with my language. It is my own creation and.. I love it a lot. "


Sma Uyö - Blue
Mave'a - Yellow
Talune Suman - Orange
Sha - Red
Okal Mitru - Green
Yivün - Teal
Xe'u Kanla - Cyan
Wezish - Purple
Uena'a - Pink

Miyäyu isto van,