May 10, 2010

Words of wisdom

In order for energy to change form, work must be done. Work is defined as a force exerted to do movement. This world is a constant motion of energies changing form.

When we walk, we only push the air in front of us... and as we move forward, the air fills the spot where your body was. It is like water. When we get in a tub, it seems the water rises.

That is because the water is only filling the gap that our body created.. since the water cannot go through our body, it only goes around it.

Life, existence.. earth.. it is all one atom after another--all connected. From our bodies, to the water, to the air that we breathe to sustain our life.. it is all connected; atom by atom by atom.

So when we feel these emotions inside of us.. the ones that hurt us so badly.. we want to rid them. And the only way to rid the emotions is to change the energy.. to do work on the energy to change it; doing work on the feelings to change them.. so we voice our feelings and emotions.

When you bottle them up, the energy rises and increases in frequency.. thus breaking us apart because our body cannot contain the high build-up of energy. Our body is only meant as a vessel for our mind, soul, and spirit to exist. It is our home.

Our very home.

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