Nov 11, 2010

I haven't shared this yet, but I've been writing a book for the past 10 days. I decided to write it for National Novel Writing Month and honestly, I have way more written than I have ever thought about writing in my entire life. NaNoWriMo says that I must complete a 50,000-word novel by the end of November.

I've been working on Zanguin and the language Anikuwynér for 4-5 years now. Since then, I've only written 3,600 words to the book. In just 10 days, I've written 23,350 words and I'm 46% of the way done. At the rate I'm going, I'll finish by November 22nd.

Honestly, I love this book and it's amazing. I've never been so serious about writing in all of my life. The last book I tried to write, it took my 4 months to write four chapters, a total of 5,000 words collectively. To me, that's pathetic compared to 23,000 words in just 10 days.

I've been swamped with school, two writing classes, one English class, and writing this novel that I've had no time for Art Club (I really don't want to continue going), no time to journal in my journal, and no time for Anikuwynér, which I swear, I'm going to forget everything at this rate.

I need a day where I can fully study Aniku all day and learn the language more. Maybe I'll write another story in it.

I can be found here as Ektorvente, and hopefully, I can finish in time, edit the way I want to, and think about publishing.

Among all of this, I have to worry about getting a permit to learn how to drive, graduation, my stressful family and my disowning them, my brother home from the Marines, and getting a car. Woo!

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