Mar 21, 2010

I cannot believe I let the blog slip for a few days! I've truly been busy doing fun stuff. :) I did end up getting a start on Chapter 2, which to my surprise, turned out great. The idea was amazing and I'm glad it popped into my head.

About a year ago, I started a project. It's taken me so long because, well, I'm lazy! :) I wanted to make a divination tool for myself.. something that had to do with my creativity and spiritual beliefs. I took Anikuwynér and incorporated it into my rune set.

In Norse divination, they use 24 runes. In my rune set, I use 60, which are dually scribed onto 30 wooden pieces. Up until today, I had only 17/30. I wanted something to do today, so I thought to myself, "How about finishing the runes?" I got to work and started sawing some more pieces from this tiny stick I selected a while back.

My only tool, regrettably, was a small multi-tool that had an handsaw with a metal filer on one side. The work was laborious. I had to saw off a good chunk from the stick, then saw that in half to get two pieces, file those to my liking, and so on. When I decided to finish the set today, I was dreading it because I realized I had to make 13 more.. but luckily, I had 3 already made and a whole bunch of scraps, that were oddly shaped, from the ones I had made already. I really only had to saw one more chunk from the stick. (Which sucked)

I delicately and carefully painted one side red and one side blue. Now remember, I had some runes already made.. but the one thing that sucked, was that I had old variations of the script on some of my already-made runes. So I had to repaint some of them. =/ And then I had to paint the blue side of all the already-made runes so I could add the new hieroglyphics script.

Red side = Positive = Symbolic script.
Blue side = Negative = Hieroglyphics script.

Here's a collage of my work:

My favorite part about the runes is not their aesthetic qualities, but the fact that I can throw them and interpret the picture(s) that show as well as using them in spreads and such.

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