Mar 25, 2010

A lot has been going on, per usual. I made friends with someone in another country and it proved to be a bad idea. He ended up offending me and not understanding how important it was to accept each other's ideas and culture. Unfortunately, I had to ignore him. More to the relevance, I also met someone form Israel: Yulia. She is a divine person inside and her soul speaks to me in ways that I didn't think I could feel from another.

She is the pinnacle of purity, I believe, and I know she will go on to do great things. She and I believe we are both destined to do great things, which only strengthens this global bond of ours. She is a fruitful Pagan as well as I. I find myself feeling like an equal to her in many ways and just when I feel a balance, I learn something new about her that tip the scales in her favor. :)

Paganism: the beautiful pantheon of Earth religions and beliefs of magic, many gods, spirits, energies, karma, and reincarnation. Normally, I am very good at withholding stress and keeping it contained; blocked and easily filtered. But lately, I've been having so much stress, so much in fact that I just cannot think. I blew up on a friend yesterday--started raising my voice very loud and speaking with anger.

I was shocked afterward and apologized, stressing that I've been so annoyed lately by the same redundant misbehavior and disrespect that has been festering inside of my Electronics classroom for months upon months. The obnoxiousness wasn't so remnant today. We were all.. crabby with each other. The last 40 minutes of class appeared to show some hope, a hope so fortuitous that it made my cynical thoughts decrease.

I didn't think there could be an undramatic silence. Well, it wasn't a silence, but it was close enough to the actual phenomenon. The atmosphere was so pure, in fact, that the normal intoxicated permeations were low enough for everyone to get along. Heck, this kid, who I believed thought I was extremely creepy, sat next to me to read a book because it was so "silent."

Today was an improvement and I hope tomorrow is also. I think I changed the atmosphere in part because at the beginning, before I walked through the thick, metallic door of sterility, I drew some Norse runes in the air and said a chant.But what really makes me feel bad for feeling this way is the fact that a certain someone wasn't here today. It's upsetting that she may indeed be the faulty fulcrum in which we've all been relying on.

One would just obtain a new fulcrum. I don't know about anybody else, but I don't like being unbalanced because of others. If I'm going to be unbalanced and have off energies, it's going to be me doing it to Myself. And it has been my fault for the most part, as it should be. I've been operating in such a fierce dramatic world, something I'm unused to. One can tolerate so much until they blow up like a nuclear reactor.

It felt good to express my feelings of how redundant and pissed off everyone as a whole makes me. I only wish we all could get along in stead of having to live in a self-inflicted stagnant pool of toxic waste. But, today was a good day, so I'm not aloud to complain anymore. I may only hope it gets better now and be a litter more nice to people. I've lost my head in the fogginess of London.

Yesterday's evening grew sour like milk sitting on a counter for days left in heat. I came back to my "abode" from a fantasy retreat only to realize that good things do come to those who wait and that negative emotions still exist in my heart from many perturbed experiences from long ago. I ended up in a worry of tears yesterday evening--which lasted well through the night.

It was such a nasty contrast because that evening, I went on a date with a very amazing person. We had a great time and I loved every minute of it. We went from coffee to Panda Buffet, a local Chinese Cuisine restaurant, and then to the mall. I restocked my Sage incense and bought some new Pine incense.

Today was a good fortune though. It shows how even the scariest demons can learn to cooperate. But what those demons do with their power, is the important part of the grand design. Onto something exciting, I received my marks for the card marking! :) But wait-- I must share with you this dramatic story because indeed it is indubitably so:

Monday was a lukewarm day. The halls of William D. Ford's Career Technical Center were flooded with variations of all types of fears. Today was an important day because the dreaded report cards were to be given out like injections during a post-viral apocalypse. Some kids, when given their unfortunate document, are so worried, that they pissed themself in horror as they read down the column of D's and E's.

I existed in such a classroom that day. When our pushy teacher spewed into the main classroom from his grave office like a mad man, his eyes lit with fire and his smile awry, my heart seemed to fill with liquid nitrogen. I saw him pressing in on me, surveying my Legal Judgment with keen disapproval. He came with such a slowness that I couldn't bear it anymore.

F'woosh, the paper slid into my hand like butter-fingers. I saw the first A and smiled with excitement: "Maybe he was trying to psyche me out," I thought. Then it hit me like a semi-truck. I had a B and then rest were A's. I was devastated--went through my usual routine of grief. I went through the stages accurately: Shocked, upset, angry, annoyed, upset, and then happy once the grade was swiftly changed this morning by my teacher. It was an error.

An unmistakable error. I knew I, such a perfect angel ( :P ), could never amount to obtaining a B.

So in reality, I was mistakingly given a B and it was changed to an A due to it being an error. I was upset out of no where. But no one understands how frustrating it is to be 0.2 points away from a 4.0, the highest mark to obtain without being enrolled in Advanced Placement courses. I now have it though.

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