Jun 20, 2010

Sun God Chant for the Summer Solstice

Tomorrow is the only day out of the year where night is submissive and day is dominant. The Sun is at its highest tomorrow and He is shining beautifully to show us His powerful smile. It is a day for spells of love, healing, protection, and prosperity. This great festival is typically marked with bonfires and bonfire-leaping.

Uaru te ki kasa te ki.
Yuiowa su Ha juk.
E nudkie vlöne Ha.
Ha narke kéri ajupok jai Kasa onye.
Ha azte wojyat kétén.
Kasa g'tén te e nis'rut.

Yuiowa su marvu te.
E nudkie vlöne Ha.
Ik'vinate ke la.
Nön ki Ya nu votyrno te.
E nu ofin'le xelö Ha vialen yama?
G'tén xü uaru e unmukue Ha mi vialen.

Ya oméje yte'ik ute inzute.
Ha munegase ratuwan ute masan la.
Munegas min te azte no mahaz.
Drazae no ka ju Ya, Has O'i.


My sun, my God,
This is Who I am.
Hear only me right now.
I have ran the furthest to you.
So far, I have been here.
You are my god, so listen.

This is my poem.
Hear only me right now.
This day is yours.
And you are my ancestrial land.
May you share it with me now?
God of the sun, intwine with me.

You breathe life and existence.
I wish for your light and welcoming.
May all my wishes come true.
You will never be forgotten.
Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank Michael, for that beautiful and positive Sun God chant. I was in a beautiful central London church on the solstice last night, giving my 60 minute illustrated talk on our living divine Sun. You would have enjoyed. I also have a well-received book out titled Sun of gOd. You can Google or Amazon it for further information, but my mission is to bring the Sun back in from the cold.

    Shine on,
    Gregory Sams


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